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The Ecocide Trial on 30th September 2011 was a resounding success.
Click for links to press coverage.
Sentencing of the convicted CEOs took place on 31st March 2012.
Click for more
Our sponsor: Thornton's Budgens
Thornton's Budgens really believe that food stores
should be a central part of our community, just as food is such a
central part of our lives. For us, being a more sustainable retailer
involves embracing your community and being environmentally aware. As a
Food Retailer, it about re-connecting people with food, with how its
produced and grown and the people who produce it.
This approach has lead us to:
- Support local food producers - we now have 25+
suppliers from London, many from our boroughs of Camden and Haringey
- Be the only supermarket in the world to grow
its own fruit and veg on its roof, through Food from the Sky
- Be the first supermarket to stop giving away
free carrier bags; we pledged to give everything we saved away to
local charities and community groups; so far we have donated around
£100,000 and saved 10m carrier bags
- Be one of the first retailers to put doors on
all our chillers to reduce our carbon footprint. We signed up for
10:10, overachieved that target and are aiming for an almost 20%
carbon footprint reduction in 2011
- Have a community stall outside both stores
that small food producers or growers can rent to sell their products
(after the co-ordinator paid, all revenue goes to charity)
Our support for the Ecocide trial is driven by our desire for a more sustainable future.